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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spanish te quero
En ti puedo darle vida a una poesia, y estare a tu lado acompañandote hoy y siempre, tu sabes que te quero, lo que tu no sabes es que sin ti me muero.

Completed translations
English I love you
Italian Ti voglio bene
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latin custos, quid noctis?
custos, quid noctis?

Completed translations
French Veilleur, où en est la nuit?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Over and over, over and over You make me fall for...
Over and over, over and over
You make me fall for you
Over and over, over and over
You don't even try...........

Completed translations
Spanish Una y otra vez, una y otra vez
Bulgarian Отново и отново
Italian Ancora e ancora..
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latin Scientia et Labore Altiora Petimus
Scientia et Labore Altiora Petimus
Pode ser traduzido para qualquer tipo de inglês, português, ou espanhol.

Completed translations
Spanish Con conocimiento y trabajo buscamos las cosas más elevadas
English Through knowledge and labour we pursue higher things
Portuguese Com conhecimento e trabalho aspiramos às coisas mais elevadas
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian la mezza eta' è quando una mente ...
la mezza eta' è quando una mente ampia e una vita stretta si scambiano di posto.Assolutamente vero e patetico!

Completed translations
English Midlife is when a broad mind ...
Swedish medelåldern är när ett...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Submission rules
Submission rules

[1] NO "TRANSLATION" OF NAMES. does not accept name translations anymore, except inside a larger text whose sole purpose is not the name translation itself.

[2] NO DUPLICATE REQUESTS. Before submitting your text to be translated, please perform a search using some significant words of your text to find whether it has already been translated on

[3] NO HOMEWORK. The goal of is not to do your homework. This kind of request will be removed by the administrators.

[4] NO SINGLE OR ISOLATED WORDS. is not a dictionary and will only accept requests for translations of single or isolated words when a good reason has been given in the request comments.

[5] PUNCTUATION, ACCENTS AND ORIGINAL SCRIPT ARE REQUIRED. If you are a native speaker of the text's source language, you should submit your text in the original script of the language, with all punctuation and accents required by that language. If not, your request may be removed by the administrators.

[6] PROOFREAD YOUR TEXT. If you have written or transcribed your text yourself, please check it for errors, even if you don't know the language it is written in. Texts with errors are very difficult for translate.

[7] EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT. Write a comment about your request, explaining the context. Unclear texts can lead to request removal.

Completed translations
Arabic قواعد المشاركة
Lithuanian Interneto svetainÄ—s taisyklÄ—s
Finnish Käännöspyyntöjen lähettämistä koskevat säännöt
Albanian Rregullat e paraqitjes
Source language


Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese "POR ESTE SINAL VENCERÁS"
Source language
Latin Linquete omnes animum malum vos qui hic intretis
Linquete omnes animum malum vos qui hic intretis
<edit> "linguete" with "linquete"</edit> on a Lupellus notification (07/03/francky)

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese Livrai-vos, todos, de todo mau propósito, vós que aqui entrais
German Alle, die ihr hier eintretet, lasst die schlechten
Source language
English Marvin Gaye : The Real Thing
Marvin Gaye was more than a singer. He was more than a writer. He was a man able to take emotion and passion and all kings of feeling and sculpt then with music until they became more than just records. They became artistic statements.Marvin Gaye was a poet. He was a genius. There`s never gonna be anybody like him. Dick Clark

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese Marvin Gaye: Algo Real
40Source language40
English Only knowledge emancipates the man
Only knowledge emancipates the man

1) The word "man" means "human being" in that context.
2) Please do a well-done translation - I'll put it in my Cucumis profile! :)
Utilizaţi acest link dacă nu aveţi tastatură cu caractere româneşti.
Warning : Any translation done without using the diacritics when necessary will be systematically rejected.
Atenţie, orice traducere de text, în orice limbă ar fi ea, care nu utilizează diacriticele folosite în mod normal în respectiva limbă, va fi respinsă sistematic.

Completed translations
Greek Μόνο η γνώση απελευθερώνει τον άνθρωπο.
Hungarian Csak a tudás emancipálhatja az emberiséget.
Arabic فقط المعرفة هي التي تعتق الإنسان من العبوديّة
French Seule la connaissance émancipe l'homme..
Spanish Sólo el saber emancipa al hombre.
Korean 지식만이 인간을 자유롭게한다
Polish powiedzenie
Chinese simplified 只有知识才能解放人类
Turkish İnsanı yalnızca bilgi özgür kılar
Italian Solo la conoscenza emancipa l'uomo
Slovak Len poznanie môže emancipovať ľuďstva.
Bulgarian Единствено познанието еманципира човека
Swedish Endast genom kunskap kan ....
Norwegian Kun...
Romanian Numai cunoaşterea îl emancipează pe om.
Dutch Enkel kennis emancipeert het menselijke wezen
Danish Kun viden frigør et menneske
Japanese 人は知識によってのみ、解放される。
Faroese Bara vitan frígevur menniskja.
Finnish tieto
Croatian Samo znanje oslobađa čovjeka
Russian Только знание освобождает человека
Ukrainian Тільки знання робить людину вільною
Chinese traditional 只有知識才能解放人類
German Nur das Wissen befreit den Menschen.
Breton N'eus ken nemet an deskamant a zishual an den.
Latin Sola scientia hominem liberat
Czech Jen poznání může člověka osvobodit
Catalan Només la coneixença emancipa l'home
Serbian Samo znanje oslobađa čoveka
Bosnian Samo znanje oslobađa čovjeka
Estonian ainult teadmised vabastavad inimest
Hebrew עברית
Klingon tlhabmoH Sov neH
Albanian vetem dituria emancipon njeriun.
Latvian Vienīgi zināšanas atbrīvo cilvēku
Tagalog Karunungan lamang ang nakakapagpalaya ng tao
Indonesian Hanya ilmu pengetahuan yang membébaskan manusia
Icelandic Aðeins þekkingin gerir manneskjuna frjálsa
Georgian მხოლოდ ცოდნა ანიჭებს ადამიანს თავისუფლებას
Lithuanian Tik žinios emancipuoja žmogų
Farsi-Persian تنها دانش رهایی بخش انسان است.
Frisian Inkeld kennis emancipjearet de minsk.
Macedonian Само знаењето
Afrikaans Slegs kennis bevry die man
Irish 'Sé fios feasa amháin a dheineann saor
Hindi केवल ज्ञान ही मनुष्य को मुक्त करता है
Mongolian Хvн зөвхөн мэдлэгээр гэгээрлийг олно.
Thai ความรู้เท่านั้นที่ทำให้คนเป็นคน
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese Inglês nada sei,mas no prox ano escolar vou me...
Inglês nada sei,mas no prox ano escolar vou me escrever na Univercidade Senior e vou estudar inglês Já comprei um dicionario Português Inglês e Inglês Português.

Quanto ao teu país pelos comentários que já vi è belo demais

Beijos para ti e uma boa semana

Completed translations
English I don't know English at all
Source language
English Message for people who ask for translations on the message field
It seems you want to submit a text to be translated, but have done it incorrectly. In order to do it properly, you must click on [b]Translation[/b] on the top menu and then on [b]Submit a new text to be translated[/b] on the left.
Please leave [b] and [/b] marks as is, but translate the text between them.

Thanks! :)

<edit> "translate" with "translation" </edit> 03/01/francky

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese Mensagem para pessoas que pedem por traduções no campo de mensagem
Spanish Mensaje para las personas que solicitan traducciones en el campo de mensajes
French Message pour les membres qui demandent une traduction dans le champ de traduction
Italian Messaggi per gli utenti che richiedono traduzioni nel campo dei messaggi
Greek Μήνυμα για όσους ζητούν μεταφράσεις στον χώρο των μηνυμάτων
Serbian Poruka za korisnike koji traže prevod u polju za poruke
Bulgarian Съобщение за хората, които молят за превод в полето за съобщения
Norwegian Beskjed for folk som spør etter oversettelse på
Swedish Meddelande till människor som efterfrågar översättningar i meddelandefältet
Bosnian podnošenje teksta na prevod
Russian Message for people who ask for translations on the message field
Catalan Missatge per a les persones que sol·liciten traduccions al camp de missatges
German Nachricht für Leute, die eine Übersetzung im Nachrichtenfeld erbitten
Turkish Mesaj bölümünde çeviri talep edenlere mesaj
Arabic رسالة للأعضاء الذين يسألون عن التّرجمات في حقل الرّسالة
Polish Wiadomość dla osób, które proszą o tłumaczenie w polu wiadomości
Chinese simplified 给希望在消息区索译的人的通知
Hungarian Üzenet azok számára, akik az üzenetmezőben kérik a fordításokat
Romanian Mesaj pentru utilizatorii ce solicită traduceri în câmpul de mesaje
Ukrainian Повідомлення для тих, хто запитує переклади в полі для повідомлень
Dutch Bericht voor personen die vertalingen vragen op het berichtenveld
Slovak Odkaz pre ľudí, ktorí si vyžiadali preklad v odkazovom texte
Danish Besked til mennesker, der beder om oversættelser i beskedfeltet
Hebrew הודעה לאנשים שמבקשים תרגום בשדה ההודעה
Indonesian Pesan untuk orang yang bertanya tentang terjemahan pada kolom pesan
Icelandic Skilaboð til fólks sem biður um þýðingar í skilaboðasvæðinu
Finnish Ohje
Faroese Boð til fólk sum ynskja umsetingar á boðs talvuni
Czech Zprava pro uzivatele, co zadajoi o preklad z textoveho pole
Japanese メッセージ欄上で翻訳を望まれる皆さんにメッセージ
Latvian Informācija cilvēkiem, kuri pieprasa tulkojumus
Croatian Poruka za osobe koje žele predati tekst za prijevod
Lithuanian Atrodo taip
Estonian Juhis
Breton Kemadenn d'ar re zo o c'houlenn un treuskrivadur war lec'h an treuzskrivadurioù
Frisian It liket derop dat jim in tekst
Albanian Mesazh për personat që kërkojnë përkthime në fushën e mesazheve
Latin Nuntium pro eis qui desiderunt proponere novum textum vertendum in campo texti
Afrikaans Boodskap vir mense wat vir vertalings in die vertalingsveld aanvra
Irish Dealráionn sé go bhfuil teacs le haistriú agat
Macedonian Порака за корисниците кои бараат превод во полето за пораки
Farsi-Persian پیام برای افرادی که در قسمت پیام تقاضای ترجمه می‌کنند
Source language
Latin Dies irae solvet saeclum in ...
Dies irae solvet saeclum in favilla.
Mors stupebit cum resurget creatura.
Requiem aeternam dona eis,
Et lux perpetua luceat eis
Exaudi orationem meam.

Completed translations
English A day of wrath
Brazilian Portuguese Um dia de ira dissolverá o tempo em cinzas.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese Boa noite Tens um lindo nome Panida meu nome...
Boa noite
Tens um lindo nome Panida
meu nome é Teresa tenho 59 anos tenho um companheiro maravilhoso,tenho dois netos um rapaz de 18 e menina de 12 ,acrescentei mais 4 netos 3 rapazes e uma menina tenho uma mãe maravihosa e familia e a que adquiri tambem são maravilhosos, moro na margem do rio Tejo propriamente na ontra banda do Tejo.

Completed translations
English Good evening! You've got a nice name, Panida.
Source language
English Message for people who submit translations on the message field
It seems you are submitting translations incorrectly. In order to do it properly, you must click on the blue [b]Translate[/b] button above and write your translation on the page that will appear.

The blank field at the bottom of this page is intended for posting remarkable comments concerning the translation or the original text.

Best regards,
Please leave [b] and [/b] marks as is, but translate the text between them.

Thanks! :)

Completed translations
Spanish Mensaje para las personas que envian traducciones en el campo de mensajes
Brazilian Portuguese Mensagem para pessoas que enviam traduções no campo de mensagens
French Message pour les personnes qui demandent des traductions dans le champ des messages
Serbian Poruka za korisnike koji postavljaju tekst u polje za poruke
Bulgarian съобщение за хората,които изпращат превод в полето за съобщения
Italian Messaggio per gli utenti che inviano traduzioni nel campo dei messaggi
Norwegian Beskjed til folk som legger til oversettelser på forumet
Russian Message for people who submit translations on the message field
Catalan Missatge per a les persones que envien traduccions al camp de missatges
Turkish Çeviri Yapanlara Mesaj
German Nachricht für Leute, die eine Übersetzung im Nachrichtenfeld vorlegen
Bosnian Poruka za one koji podnose prevedene tekstove u polje za poruke
Greek Φαίνεται πως υποβάλλετε ...
Polish Wiaomość dla ludzi, którzy oddają tłumaczenia do oceny w polu wiadomości
Swedish Meddelande för personer som översätter i meddelandefältet
Hungarian Üzenet azon személyek számára, akik fordításokat adnak közre az üzenet mezőben
Arabic تنبيه للإخوة الذين يكتبون الترجمات في حقل الرسالة
Chinese simplified 致在信息栏里填写译文的译者
Dutch Bericht voor personen die vertalingen indienen op het berichtenveld
Slovak Odkaz pre ľudí, ktorí odoslali preklad v odkazovom texte
Danish Besked til mennesker der sender oversættelser i beskedfeltet
Hebrew הודעה לאנשים ששולחים תרגומים בשדה ההודעה
Indonesian Pesan untuk orang yang memasukkan terjemahan pada kolom pesan
Icelandic Skilaboð til þeirra sem biðja um þýðingar í skilaboðasvæðinu
Finnish Ohje
Faroese Boð til fólk sum bera fram umsetingar á boðstalvuni
Romanian Mesaj pentru persoanele care înscriu traduceri în câmpul de mesaje
Croatian Poruka za osobe koje žele predati tekst za prijevod
Japanese メッセージ欄上で、翻訳を提出する皆さんにメッセージ
Lithuanian Neteisingai pateikiate vertimus.
Czech Zprava pro uzivatele, co zasilaji preklady z textoveho pole.
Estonian Juhis
Breton Kemadenn d'ar re zo o c'houlenn treuzskrivadurioù war lec'h an treuzskrivadurioù
Frisian Berjocht foar minsken dy oersettings foarlizzen op 'e berjocht fjild
Albanian Mesazh për personat që paraqesin përkthimet në fushën e mesazheve
Ukrainian Повідомлення для тих, хто пропонує переклади в полі для повідомлень
Afrikaans Boodskap vir mense wat vertalings in die boodskap veld wil indien
Irish Teachtaireacht do daoine a cuireann isteach aistriú ar an réimse teachtaireacht
Hindi उन लोगों के लिए सूचना जो अनुवाद संदेश क्षेत्र में करते हैं
Farsi-Persian پیام برای افرادی که در قسمت پیام، ترجمه تحویل می‌دهند
Thai ข่าวสารสำหรับคนที่ส่งคำแปลในกล่องข้อความ
Macedonian Македонски
Esperanto Mesaĝo por tiuj, kiuj sendas tradukaĵojn en la mesaĝo-kampo
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